Jun 5, 2012

Birthday drawings

I asked people to suggest what I should draw on my birthday. And here they are!

A giraffe having cake with giraffe patterns and giraffe candles on his / her birthday! What is that cake made of anyway? Honey?

Couldn't stop there so I drew another one. Ungh, the colours.. And did that giraffe secretly take some piece of cake? What a horrible chef.

And there was also a request to draw a crab (or space jellyfish). I wanted to to try to draw a crab because I have never drawn them before. The only part that I haven't quite figured out yet is how to draw crab's eyes and where exactly to place them..

It feels soooo refreshing to be able to draw something for a long time. I have been so busy writing reports and movie reviews at school that I haven’t even remembered to draw. And when I actually have some spare time, I use all that time to read some books. Damn books!


  1. Wow they are great !

  2. Ooo! Ravusta tuli hieno! No on noi toisetkin hienoja. Varsinkin toi, jossa se kirahvi on maistanut sitä kakkua.
    T: Kirsikka

    1. Miks mun kone ei tykkää tästä kommentointikentästä... No, kuitenkin. Olin sanomassa, että tykkään kahen vikan väreistä, ne on ihanan kesäisiä ja suloisia. Ensimmäinen on hauska :D Taattua Liisaa. Sitä film noir / western -juttua odotellessa ;)
      T: Soile
